About Me

My name is Brash Emery. I live in Kaysville Utah, I have lived here my whole life. I have one brother and two sisters. I am the youngest of them all My favorite thing to do is to play sports. I play Basketball, Baseball, and Football. My favorite sport though is probably Basketball. My favorite basketball team is the Cleveland Cavaliers. My favorite basketball player is Lebron James who plays on the Cavs. My favorite College tean is BYU. Last year I got season tickets to their games.                                                                                                                                                                                Alibaba Group Chairman and Billionaire Jack Ma Speaks At Event


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I am in 9th grade and go to Centennial Jr High in Kaysville, Utah. I was on the basketball team in 7th and 8th grade.

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        My favorite trip was when we went to New York for a baseball tournament. The tournament was in Cooperstown. We went a couple days early and stayed in teh city  then we went to Cooperstown for the tournament. We took 20th place out of 100 teams. I also hit two homeruns.  Image result for cooperstown dream park

I also love football, My favorite player is Adrian Peterson. He plays for the New Orleans Saints. His nickname is AP, he will probably be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

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